Imagine you have configured your squid, with dansguardian, and a shallalist. You launch squid and… bump, it says that one of your ACL’s is a bungled one. You check syntax… and it’s perfect. What the hell is happening here? Well,…
Imagine you have configured your squid, with dansguardian, and a shallalist. You launch squid and… bump, it says that one of your ACL’s is a bungled one. You check syntax… and it’s perfect. What the hell is happening here? Well,…
Today I realized that in some files I used, I had a | character that provoked them to be of little use (and provoke misconfiguration on the system), so I thought of removing them in a row. The choice was…
Today I had to update a set of installed packages from a folder, but in that folder there were some deb packages that were not installed and that I did not want to install, so I thought of doing a…
This is a small script I have done today in Zentyal that allows you to change the passwords of all users in LDAP. It creates a file /tmp/usuarios.csv with the users and their new passwords #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;…
Developing an environment of remote home folders under Linux with NFS and LDAP auth is a common task. But there are some cases in which this approach might not be the best one, as you might find some issue to…
Hola a todos: Como es costumbre en estas fechas toca la revisión del año, un año que en general no puedo más que calificar de positivo. Recuerdo las buenas experiencias durante el curso de LPIC I y LPIC II (un…