Today I have had to deal with an environment where I had to fix a lot of sysvol permissions, with a lot of different policies with different permissions. I had begun doing it by hand using samba-tool ntacl set sddl-ACL…
Today I have had to deal with an environment where I had to fix a lot of sysvol permissions, with a lot of different policies with different permissions. I had begun doing it by hand using samba-tool ntacl set sddl-ACL…
Today, I had to do a lot of reboots just to check one issue with ACPI that could prevent a machine to correctly boot up. I begun doing up to ten reboots, but in the end, I could not bare…
Imagine you have configured your squid, with dansguardian, and a shallalist. You launch squid and… bump, it says that one of your ACL’s is a bungled one. You check syntax… and it’s perfect. What the hell is happening here? Well,…
Today I realized that in some files I used, I had a | character that provoked them to be of little use (and provoke misconfiguration on the system), so I thought of removing them in a row. The choice was…
Today I had to update a set of installed packages from a folder, but in that folder there were some deb packages that were not installed and that I did not want to install, so I thought of doing a…
Se ha actualizado el script de backup de la base de datos, incluyendo una comprobación del número de backups guardado. Así aunque normalmente los ficheros (sobre todo al estar comprimidos) no ocupan demasiado, nos aseguramos de no saturar la partición…
Se ha actualizado el script Bash Mysql Backup a la versión 1.1 Changelog: Añadida opción MAIL_DEBUG. Si se habilita (se define a 1) devuelve los mensajes que normalmente se mostrarían en pantalla, a través de la dirección de correo definida.…
Estoy desarrollando un script en bash que realiza la misma funcionalidad que el plugin WordPress Database Backup, esto es , que realiza una copia del MySQL . A mayores he incluido algunas mejoras a la funcionalidad del plugin, haciendo que…